Never heard of kookeys?

Ok. look here if you've never heard of kookeys. Kookeys has a wide variety of plush with codes. The code can unlock a virtual world. in kooKEYS the keys stands for unlocking the virtual website. The creaters of the virtual world is a website designing company which makes playing on kookeys ultimately enjoyable! They are bigger than regular and so much fun to use, no wondor they're flying off the shelves!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

T-rex hot Nachos

Here is a recipe you sure will love This is how you make it!
Lie down one layer of chips. Then put some cheese on top. Do another layer just like that except don't put the cheese on until you've put the other ingredients on. Now you get to add TONS of cheese. Then bake in the microwave for as long as you want. ENJOY!
  1. tortia chips
  2. your favorite cheese
  3. olives
  4. refried beans
  5. tomatoes
  6. jalapeƱo peppers (optional)