Never heard of kookeys?

Ok. look here if you've never heard of kookeys. Kookeys has a wide variety of plush with codes. The code can unlock a virtual world. in kooKEYS the keys stands for unlocking the virtual website. The creaters of the virtual world is a website designing company which makes playing on kookeys ultimately enjoyable! They are bigger than regular and so much fun to use, no wondor they're flying off the shelves!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


We are having a contest! Both me and Admin B. thought of this idea. Ok, first you choose what is our favorite KooKey pet. Then you tell us why. Like first put the name of the pet and then put a couple reasons why. Then put if you have or don't have a webkinz. Then put if you have an account for KooKeys. We'll pick the winner. You must be a member of blogspot. I'll do one for example:

My favorite KooKeys is a Monkey! (Which it is) I like it because I love monkeys, monkeys are cute, they are also supposed to be playful. I don't currently have one because they are very hard to find and can't spare enough money at this time to get one. I hope to get one in the future and i'll put a picture of it. (Which you don't have to, because picture of KooKeys are very hard to find, seeing as they are new).

Admin R.


Anonymous said...

I like Webkinz better.........kookeys are just weird.......

Anonymous said...

I don't think that s really admin B, she told me something, so huh, it's not her.

Admin R. and B. said...

You are not Admin B, and I know it. So stop posing u poser.

Admin R. and B. said...

I never said that. Please don't pose as me. Would you like it if some one went on your site and posed as you?
~$Admin B$~